Terestian Illhoof : Feral Druids Wetdream
It's been a week or two, but this fight was an interesting one. Illhoof is an optional boss in Karazhan. He's behind the "Conspicuous Bookcase" right outside the Shade of Aran's room, and, really, unless you have a warlock in your party, just skip him.
(Your ferals will probably whimper though, since they really want Terestrian's Stranglestaff.)
Here's the group layout we had to take him down, and I'll tell ya, healing during this mofo .... ZOMG. We had our tanks (Prot Warrior and Feral), a DCoE Shammy and myself healing, and our DPS was 2 Boomkin, 1 Rogue, 1 Kitty, and 2 Locks.
Illhoof isn't alone by the way. He's got a little imp pet that he keeps around, and needs to be tanked. The bonus to the little guy is, if you kill him, Illhoof suffers from a "Broken Pact" debuff, and is taking 20% more dmg for 30secs. The suck thing is, his little buddy comes running back from the Void once the 30 secs is up. Little shithead won't stay DEAD! -.- Illhoof also likes to portal in cubic butt tons of mini imps, and while they're easier to kill, there's so many! They can put a Debuff on you that's non dispel-able that makes you take tons more dmg from fire spells too. And as always WoW Wiki has an awesome break down of his fight.
The Strat:
You need to split your healing job practically 4 ways in this fight. First, the lock(s) will be "tanking" all the little bitches. If you only have one lock, well, all the power to him/her. This is a tough job. The lock is going to be tossing a Seed of Corruption up on Illhoof, and then doing their cute little lock AoE to kill the buggers.
You have 4 different heals going on. You have your lock(s), your MT, your OT, and then the Sacrifice (more on that in a sec).
Assign one healer to your MT/OT and the other to the lock. Who ever has lock duty should also take care of the Sacrifice. The MT/OT are really not taking the brunt of the damage in this fight. Illhoof doesn't hit that hard and his little guy is laughable. You can leave a renew on the OT and forget about him. Healing your usual suspects in this fight is a cake walk compared to the rest.
If you get Lock/Sacrifice duty, you're in for a much more intense experience. Once the little imp invasion starts, your lock is going to need your tender lovin' heals. Btw, that Fel Armor? /molest
It increasing the amount of healing you do to them, so that makes things slightly nicer. Tossing a PWS on them is not a frownable act in my opinion too, if they're cutting it close.
Now, to the Sacrifice. I don't care if you're .1 second from finishing that heal on your other target, STOP whatever you're doing and start with a FHeal on the Sacrificed victim. It took us 4 tries to kill Illhoof because the first two times, I didn't stop my healing ASAP to start healing the Sacrifice. Here's what happens: Illhoof nabs one of your raid, and puts them in the oggy circle in the middle, killing 1.5K HP per second. This drain also heals him of stupid amounts of HP, so not only do you need to keep that person alive to get rid of what he just healed, your raid needs to be prepared to take down the chains holding the sacrifice. Because those chains can be killed, and your friend free'd to pwn some more Illhoof face.
Did I mention Tab Targeting the Demon Chains holding your raidmate is retardedly impossible because of all the farking imps? Yea, so make sure your DPS has a macro that targets those chains AS SOON as they're up.
This fight is VERY mana intensive, on all sides. You will have little to no time for your loveable 5SR. I know, it'll be mad that you didn't call, and probably pissed that you prank call it a few times in the fight, but those times are few and far between. Even with two locks, bring lots of mana pots to this fight. Your fiend will do best on Illhoof, but if you don't have time to click him, don't worry, just tab target something and let your cutie eat an imp or two (spam the Pet Attack button if it's eating imps, you don't want him sitting with a thumb up his butt when you need MANA damn it!)
Otherwise, enjoy the fight guys! It's crazy fun and you have the Cincture of Will/Mender's Heart Ring to secretly lust for while your Ferals cry that the staff is a no show ;)
farking indeed - you remind of the people in trade channel who like to type swear with a space in the middle, so it doesnt get censored.
Idiots dont realise they can turn it off. Damn they annoy me.
Anyway, the best thing for all dps to do is make a macro that goes thusly:
/target Demon
This targets demon chains straight away, and saves bothering targeting the imps.
The bugger is the person being sacrificed. Palas bubble, and frot mages iceblock.
But being a squishy druid, I norammly die :( So much so that its me who gets the SS, just so i can res after I die, and carry on.
But in reference to the staff, it still hasnt dropped for our furry MT :(
Actually Mera, if you're a squishy druid, Barkskin cuts down some of the damage. You should try it next time you fight him. Our OT was using it and it helped oodles. ^.^
Although this is true, I either froget to use it & die, or remeber to use it and die :( It isnt always easy to see who is being sacrificed anyway, so regardless of whether you use the Blizz raid GUI, or something like healbot, the person is still hard to find. Healing is not the issue, rather it is targetting the person, and by the time one of your healers does, im normally dead, especially as Im a healer, so that means only 2 healers are available to heal me.
I love long comments
Oh, man, did you just completely type what I would have done.
For two healers, this fight is killer. The person in chains takes damage at a rate that's Aaaaalmost faster than greaterheal can heal it, and faster than a series of flash heals can handle in most cases.
The key is that the dps HAS to swap. They have to, and they have to kill those chains as quickly as they can.
If some of the dps is thinking "Oh, well, someone else can kill the chains, I'll stay on Illhoof" they just signed multiple death warrants.
And I humbly submit that the developer who decided it'd be cute to let the healers get chained up half the time needs to get kicked in the beanbags.
If my compatriot is chained up, it's VERY difficult to heal both tanks, the warlocks, the mages, AND The chained person.
You're right. No FSR here, and this is a fight where the dps determines the success.
We have one person calling out target swaps in Vent - "chains!...okay, Kil'Rek...okay, burn down on Illhoof, fast!"
That "kill the imp and Illhoof gets a debuff" thing is handy, but it's got to be used properly and timed so the chains don't happen while Illhoof is debuffed.
Awesome post, as usual. <3
@Mera - Smart Buff/DeBuff! Or Grid. Tell your other healer it's a must have to use for targeting someone. This way you don't need to try and find them amongst the mess of mobs and allies, but have one central place to just click target and lay on the love. I rarely look at my main screen unless I desperately need too (Or I'm watching a shackle).
@Ego - /blush Thank you! And yes, this is the one place where your DPS needs to step up to the plate and take some initiative. Usually they just need to take directions from the MT, but here, they need to be all over those chains when they come up, triple-y so when their healer is in them!
I'm also thinking my first time with this guy was a bit easier than what you two have been describing, because I never got chained, and neither did Snow. It will be interesting to see what happens to us if that's the case this week. I do know that Tred and Fio (Boomkin's) both did a damn fine job off healing during the Sacrifice.
PS: Hopefully the Lock in your group doesn't have the name "Demon" or "Demona". That'll mess up the macro unless it says Demon Chains XD
Which means everyone will hate my lock, if she ever gets that high OO
@Stephi - Ha! You're right! Immodestly named warlocks could be a problem. Of course, it's easy enough to make the macro have the whole "Demonic Chains" rather than taking the shortcut.
I knew a hunter once who thought it was funny to name his pet the exact same thing as the main tank.
My "find the tank in a hurry" macro was NOT amused.
Ah, I'd completely forgotten to grump about that - yes, there needs to be something in the normal raid ui that flashes alternating orange and yellow the instant someone's chained.
I can't tell you how many times I've not been able to target the person until they're below half health, which doesn't bode well for their survival. I've begged for someone to say "characterName Chained!" instead of just "Chains!" so that I can do it faster, but I've not found a way yet.
With all the movement and crap on my screen, I, like Stephi, don't really watch the SCREEN so much as home in on those health bars. Even if I glanced down, my fps in that fight is shoddy enough that it'd probably just make me seasick instead of helping me target someone.
You'd don't have to have a warlock necessarily, you can also run with a paladin in FR gear with others AoE'ing. If your dps is high enough you can also rig it with two shamans, one dropping their Fire Ele, and one dropping their Earth Ele. With heals on the earth ele, and some occaisional aoe to help the Fire Ele clear out the imps. Switching who drops which at 2m means you get 4m to down illhoof. Actually very fun way to do it if it works. :D
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